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Postal Life Insurance ServicesPostal Life Insurance Customer Care

Last updated:2024/05/06 Print

Friendly Reminder

When you receive the insurance policy, please check the “Pre-Collection of First Premium Receipt (Slip)” enclosed in the insurance policy and verify the amount of the premium.
Please properly safeguard your insurance policy, seal, passbook, debit card, account number, or password (e.g.: online insurance/online postal account and password).
If after the contract is established and should any contract modification should take place, please fill out the correct content of the insurance contract and documents before signing. Do not pre-sign the blank insurance contract documents.
You contact information (i.e. address/email/mobile phone/telephone number) serve as the key contact means between the Company and you. For any change on the contact information in the future, the applicant an log in the online post office (with pre-application) or present the Identification Card/ARC for modification process at the counter in person.
Please deposit adequate amount of premium to the designated passbook/Giro accounts before the payment date agreed on the insurance contract, in order to maintain the contract validity. Do not wire/transfer outward/appropriate the payment to other people's account.

In fighting against the pandemic, Postal Life Insurance supports policyholders and provides several cares and response measures

Issued by: Public Relations Division
Release time: June 02, 2021
  To show care to policyholders and to help people wade through the impact of the pandemic, Chunghwa Post provides several care services for life insurance policyholders and mortgage customers:
Relaxation of a claims settlement
For Chunghwa Post's daily hospitalization medical insurance products, when it comes to the daily hospitalization medical expenses of the insured persons due to the COVID-19 infection, in addition to the claims settlement in accordance with insurance policy regulations, the insured persons will receive financial support with fewer restrictions:
To provide comprehensive protection, those who are admitted to negative pressure isolation rooms due to the COVID-19 infection will receive compensation according to the criteria for those who are admitted into the intensive care unit.
For individuals who are diagnosed with COVID-19, if they are staying in an epidemic prevention hotel or quarantine center, instead of being admitted into hospitals as hospitals are full with patients, the insured individuals shall provide a COVID-19 diagnosis certificate and a quarantine center or an epidemic prevention hotel entry and exit certificate to file an insurance claim for hospitalization.
Deferred payment of insurance premiums
Insured policyholders and involuntary unemployed individuals who are infected with COVID-19 may apply for the extension of the grace period with supporting documents (3 months from the current payment date of insurance premium). An additional 3 months of the grace period will be granted for insurance premiums payment.
The newly added insurance policy loan is interest-free for 3 months
Insured policyholders and involuntary unemployed individuals who are infected with COVID-19 may apply for interest-free newly added insurance policy loans with proof documents. The loan will be interest-free for 3 months. The application is to be made within 3 months from the date of the incident.
Mortgage loan holders can defer principal payment for one year
Mortgage loan holders who are infected with COVID-19 or have difficulties in repayment due to the impact of the pandemic may submit the application with supporting documents within 3 months from the occurrence of the incident. After the application is reviewed and approved, the mortgage principal payment may be deferred for 1 year. Chunghwa Post also provides a 24-hour customer service hotline (0800-700-365). Please make good use of it.