

最後更新日期:108/10/21 列印
Insurance Service

How to apply for loan and payment of the post office insurance policy? What is the amount that can be borrowed?

1.Loan Application Method:
(1)Loan through Over-the-Counter Procedure:
a.The proposer will be with the insured and carry the insurance policy and the national identity card, seal of the proposer, insured to the branch office overseeing such matter. If the proposer or the insured is unable to visit the counter in person, s/he may appoint third person to handle such matter. When acting as an agent for the proposer or the insured, in addition to the above documents, the Agents shall prepare a power of attorney (proposer is unable to visit the counter) or consent form (insured is unable to visit the counter) and the national identity card and seal of the agent.
b.After the insurance policy endorses the loan record, it will be returned.
c.The amount of the loan shall be transferred to the deposit account of the proposer (excluding the Postal Giro Account) or issue a crossed postal cheque with the name of proposer as the receiver which is not allowed to revoke and bear and prohibits to transfer and to endorse.
(2)Application Procedure for Loan through Physical ATM:
a.All post offices are available for such matter.
b.The proposer will be with the insured and will carry the insurance policy, the national identity card, seal of the proposer, the insured to the branch offices overseeing such matters. When the proposer or the insured cannot attend the counter in person, s/he can appoint another their person to handle such matters. When handling by an agent, in addition to the above documents, a power of attorney(proposer is unable to visit the counter) or a consent form(the insured is unable to visit the counter) and the national identity card and seal of the agent shall be presented.
c.The postal deposit book of the proposer (apply for a debit card in advance if there is no debit care).
d.Fill out the "Application From for the Insurance Policy Loan through ATM/ Internet ATM".
e.The data review and documentation are completed, and the proposer can immediately operate the insurance policy loan at the post office ATM around the country.
(3)Application procedures for internet ATM loan: (Limit to the proposer is the same as the insured, and if the proposer is 20 years old with legal capacity, the matter can be applied)
a.All post offices are available for such matter.
b.The proposer carries the insurance policy, national identity card, seal and postal deposit book(apply for a debit card in advance if there is no debit card) to handle such matter. If the proposer cannot handle such matter in person, s/he can appoint others to act on his/her behalf. When handling by an agent, in addition to the above documents, the power of attorney and the national identity card and seal of the agent shall be presented.
c. In addition, a personal computer shall install a card reader and related settings and software procedures shall be performed you can connect to the "Internet ATM" website of the Company(https://webatm.post.gov.tw) to conduct policy loan operations.
i.The loan amount through the physical ATM and the internet ATM is directly transferred to the postal deposit book designated by the insurer and interest will start to be calculated.
ii.Within the"Borrowable Balance", the total loan number through the counter, ATM and Internet ATM will be limited to 50 times. If the total times exceeds 50, the repayment shall be settled (at least all interests shall be settled) before the borrow can be applied again.The total transaction times for loan and payment handled by the ATM and Internet ATM shall not exceed 20 times daily.

2.Policy Loan:
(1)At any time, through the window or postal physical ATM or Internet ATM, choose to fully pay the principal and interest, partly pay the principal interest or only pay all the interest and not pay the principal(through the postal physical ATM or Internet ATM, there is no need to make any pplication).
(2)In the event that the payment is made on the counter, please visit to the branch which the loan is applied originally.
(3)If the payment is on the day of the loan, according to financial practice, one day interest shall be charged.

3.Loan Credit of the Policy: If the insurance premium is paid for more than one year and the policy is valid, the proposer may apply to the company for the insurance policy loan within 80% of the insurance value reserve at the time of such application if such policy is terminated.
(1)A policy established after December 26, 2003, when the outstanding principal and interest of the loan exceeds the insurance value reserve of such policy, the effect of the contract ceases. However, the Company shall notify the proposer in writing 30 days before the date of suspension of effectiveness.
(2)In order to deliver it in time, please inform the Company in the event of any change of address.