

最後更新日期:113/07/02 列印
薪資存款 (Payroll Deposit)

What are "payroll deposits"? How to apply for payroll deposits?

(1)Organizations employing many persons, such as agencies, schools, companies, groups,
     and  factories, may entrust the post office with transferring wages to the employees'
     passbookaccounts when issuing monthly pay.
(2)The entrusting organization must sign an agreement with the post office, and open
     a giro account, which will facilitate the transfer and refund of payments by the post office.
(3)Employees must open post office passbook accounts (they do not need to open a new
     account if they already have an account).
(4)When the agreement is signed, the organization may additionally fill out a "postal service
      information direct transmission application form" in triplicate, which will enable the
      applicant to use the "postal service information transmission system" and transmit wage
      transfer information online.