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A Message from the ChairmanOrganization

Last updated:2024/08/21 Print
Organizational Structure of Chunghwa Post The organizational structure of Chunghwa Post is as follows:
Board of Directors. The board, composed of 11 to 15 members, is the decision-making body of the corporation according to law and the corporation's articles of incorporation. In addition, there is a board secretariat handling all administrative affairs of the board.
Three Supervisors. The supervisors are in charge of supervising corporate finance and business operations according to law and the corporation's Articles of Incorporation.
A President. According to law and the corporation's Articles of Incorporation, the president is responsible for managing corporate business operations and overseeing all staff and departments of the corporation to implement the board's decisions. In addition, there are four vice presidents, three assistant president, and one chief secretary to assist the president.
A Chief Risk Officer. The chief risk officer is in charge of corporate risk management.
A Chief Legal Compliance Officer. The chief legal compliance officer is in charge of corporate legal compliance and legal related affairs.
A Chief Corporate Governance Officer. The Chief Corporate Governance Officer is the most senior officer to be in charge of corporate governance affairs.
An Auditor General. The auditor general (elected by the board of directors) with an auditing department directly under the board is responsible for conducting corporate audits and making reports regularly to the board and supervisors.
A Strategic Planning Committee. The committee has a chairperson, whose position the president of the corporation could hold concurrently. In addition, there are five vice chairperson under the committee.
A Postal Capital Operations Committee. The committee serves as the corporation's dedicated unit for effectively utilizing postal capital. Composed of 9 to 13 members. One of the members serves as the convener, concurrently served by the president.
A Risk Management Committee. The committee is responsible for overseeing risk management operating mechanisms, led by the chairman, and composed of additional committee members.
A Digital Development Committee. The committee serves as the corporation's dedicated unit for advancing data and digital technology development, led by the chairman, the president, and 5 senior executives.
A Sustainable Development Committee. The committee serves as the corporation's dedicated unit for decision-making and promotion of sustainable development, led by the chairman, the president as the vice chairman, and composed of additional committee members.
Departments. The corporation is composed of the departments as follows: General Manager's Office, Department of Mail Business and Operations, Department of Philately, Postal Museum, Department of Savings and Remittances, Department of Life Insurance, Department of Property Operations, Department of Capital Operations, Department of Human Resources, Department of Civil Service Ethics, Department of Accounting, Department of Information Management, Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Department of Public Affairs, Risk Management Office, Office of Legal & Compliance, E-Commerce Office, and Cyber Security Office.
Responsibility Center Offices. There are 19 responsibility center offices designated as administrative and supervisory post units, each administering a group of smaller branch offices.
Mail Processing Center. To meet the need for mail business, Taipei Mail Processing Center with high-performance automated mail processing systems is set up to integrate mail handling process and mail transportation nationwide.