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Banking ServicesElectronic Payment Service (account link payment)

Last updated:2021/12/22 Print

What electronic payment platforms are currently available to use the “Postal Account Link Payment” service?

Currently, “JKOPAY”, “iPASS MONEY”, “PChomePay”, “GAMA PAY”, “O'Pay”, “icash Pay” , “Easy Wallet”, “PXPay Plus” , “+PAY” and“ESUN Wallet” have activated the service. To understand the activation schedule of other payment platforms, please contact such platforms individually.

How does Postal depositor apply for the “Postal Account Link Payment” service?

Depositor is required to submit an online application on the electronic payment platform which is cooperated with us and already activated the account link payment service. After the authorization verification is completed by us, the linked account setting is finished.

Is it acceptable to link other people’s electronic payment accounts to my personal Postal account for payment?

To maintain the transaction security, electronic payment account and the designated linked Postal account must be owned by one identical person.

The electronic payment platform uses an APP interface. Is it acceptable to use Postal ATM card to perform authorization verification?

The authorization verification method depends on the interface provided by the cooperative electronic payment platform. If the platform provides an APP version only, the authorization verification function using“iPost Login + Text Message OTP” depends on the platform operator.

When the “Postal Account Link Payment” service is used for consumer shopping or value addition, how do I apply for a refund?

We cannot accept the user to apply for a refund directly. Please make the refund application to the original electronic payment platform. The refund needs to be applied according to the method agreed by the electronic payment platform and the user.

Is there any transaction limit of “Postal Account Link Payment” service?

The maximum transaction amount is NT$(same currency below)50 thousand per transaction; 100 thousand per day; 200 thousand per month. For one single or multiple electronic payment platforms, when multiple electronic payment accounts are set to link to one identical Postal account, the transaction amounts are calculated cumulatively in total.
For account safety, when the depositor sets “Account Link Payment” linked to designated Postal account successfully, the maximum transaction amount on the electronic payment platform is 10 thousand for each setting. The limitation will be restored as above after 24 hours.

When Mr. X completes two transactions of consumer shopping on an electronic payment platform A with the “Postal Account Link Payment”, and the amount deducted by A is NT$ 80 thousand, then when Mr. X further makes consumer shopping of NT$ 30 thousand on another electronic payment platform B, why it shows that Mr. X has exceeded the transaction limit?

If one single or multiple electronic payment accounts are designated to link to one identical Postal account, the transaction limit is calculated cumulatively in total. Since the total deduction amount has exceeded the daily transaction limit of NT$ 100 thousand, the last transaction cannot be completed.

When the “Postal Account Link Payment” service is used for consumer shopping, but the amount deduction is found to be incorrect, what should I do?

Please verify with the electronic payment platform first. If it is verified to be incorrect, please request the payment platform to handle this matter accordingly.

I am trying to use the electronic payment APP binding to the Postal account through “iPost login + Text Message OTP” verification and the login is failed. What should I do when it shows the message of “Login Encryption Failed”?

Please go to the application program setting option, and enable the website to store Cookie, followed by re-performing the verification process again. The error of “Login Encryption Failed” can be resolved.
I. iPhone and iPad
     (I) Click “Setting” application program.
    (II) Select “Safari” icon.
   (III) Disable “Privacy and Security -Block All Cookies” function.
II. Android Device
    ( I) Open “Chrome” on mobile phone or tablet computer.
    (II) Click the “More” icon at the right side of the website address bar → Click [Setting].
   (III) Select [Website Setting] → [Cookie].
   (IV) Open [Cookie].