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最後更新日期:112/07/18 列印


WHITE PAPER of CITIZEN SERVICES by Sanchong Responsibility Center Office

壹、 簡介Introduction



    Sanchong Post Office had been established on August 1, 1955 and belonged to Taipei Post Office as Taipei Branch 19 in 1966. It was reformed to Sanchong 1st class A in 1990 and merged into Xinzhuang P.O., Linkou P.O., Wuku P.O.,Luzhou P.O., Tamsui P.O., in 2001.。

    Being the Chunghwa Postal Service has transformed into a state-run company as from January 1, 2003, Sanchong Responsibility Center Office with other twenty responsibility center offices and five mail processing centers were set up to carry out policies.

貳、 願景 Vision

       A postal service company that provides excellent services and is trusted by the people.

參、現況 Current Situation


組織系統 Chain of Command:




服務範圍 Service Scope:

Covering the north area of Dahan-creek, The service scope of Sanchong Post Office include 10 districts: Sanchong, Xinzhuang, Taishan, Linkou, Wuku, Bali, Luzhou, Tamsui, Sanzhi, Shimen.
Service square measure:379.071 sq kilometers.



服務項目 Postal Service:
According to amended(July 10,2002 promulgated)Post Act: The services of Chunghwa Post shall include: Mail delivery, savings, remittances, post simple life insurances, philately and relevant commodities, postal capital operations and could accept entrust to handle other business, invest or manage related business subject to Ministry of Transportation And Communications(Responsible Entity)approved.



服務理念 Service Conception:
Instilling customer-oriented service conception, and in rendering multi-function services to the general public.

肆、服務品質指標 Services Quality Indicators

一、 改善窗口服務,縮短等候時間 Improve Window Service, Shorten Queuing Time
  1. 平日排隊等候時間不逾3分鐘,假日次營業日不得逾10分鐘為目標
    Queuing Time:Ordinary Day: Within 3 minutes.
    Next Day of Holidays: Within 10 minutes.
  2. 設置「快速窗口」,提升效率,不讓顧客久等
    Site「Express Counter」to raise efficiency.(avoid clientele waiting too long)
  3. 落實窗口服務人員品質考評及不定期電話禮貌測試,提供親切服務
    Implementing the manners test and examine of counter’s employees, offer a genial and enthusiastic service.
  4. 招募志工、義工服務,解答用郵詢問及代填各類單據引導用郵。
    Recruiting volunteers for inquiring, begging documents and guiding mail.
  5. 廣設自助郵局及自助式機具,彌補尖峰時刻及假日用郵服務。
    Set up self-service machine and post office widely for making up rush hours and holidays mail services


二、 以顧客為尊,以服務為榮 Customer First, Proud of Service
  1. 普設意見箱及經常舉行民調,以瞭解顧客需要
    Set up suggestions and take up public opinion poll to understand customers’ need.
  2. 營造雙語生活環境,廣設無障礙設施及無障礙窗口服務
    Build bilingual living environment, access-free facilities and special service windows to better meet the needs of the people.
  3. 美化、綠化局屋,供應茶水、書報、老花眼鏡、建置優質環境
    Develop high quality environment, such as beautify and greenery place of business, offer drinks, books, newspaper, courtesy glasses, etc., to make every guest feel at home.
  4. 積極參與社區活動,舉辦郵展及開設臨時郵局,延伸服務據點
    Take part in community activity progressively, hosted stamp exhibitions, set up temporary post offices to extend service base.
  5. 舉辦愛心服務及學校參觀郵局活動,善盡社會責任,融入當地社會
    Hosting special service and receiving school visiting to deal discreetly with society.
  6. 重視顧客抱怨及輿情反映,並即時處理
    Value complaints and public sentiments and process timely.



三、 確立郵遞時效標準,全面改善郵遞品質
Established delivery standard, Improved delivery quality
  1. 確立截郵時刻,建立郵遞時效標準。
    Build up deadline and delivery standard.
  2. 建置郵件查詢系統,便利用郵顧客網路查詢
    Setting up a “ track-and-trace system” to provide the mail inquiry over the internet.
  3. 開辦夜間投遞,上門收件,定點收件,免費改投上班地址等多項服務措施
    Start many measures as night delivery, door-to-door, fixed-point collection, redeliver free, etc. for people’s convenience.
  4. 加強對機關、學校、居民提供專門用郵服務。如暑期學生返鄉包裹服務
    Provide organization, school, resident with specialized mail services.
    Such as return to village parcels of student in summer season.
  5. 提供身心障礙人士到府收件及上樓投遞服務
    Provide door-to-door and up-floor delivery services for the disabled people.
  6. 廣設24小時全年無休、自助寄/取件服務之i郵箱。
    Provide 24/7 self-service i Mail Box (including parcel drop-off and pick-up).

伍、聯繫我們 Contact US


Should you need of mail service or encounter mail questions, please get in touch with us as follows:

三重郵局地址: (郵遞區號241040)新北市三重區新北大道一段17號
電  話: (02)29882776
傳  真: (02)29865054
E-MAIL信箱: 勞 安 (總 務) 科: post244000@mail.post.gov.tw
營 業 管 理 科: scbus01@mail.post.gov.tw
郵 務 科: scope01@mail.post.gov.tw
免費客戶服務專線: 0800-700-365
上門收件服務專線: 三重地區: (02)2989-3896
林口地區: (02)2608-5028 分機210
蘆洲地區: (02)2281-4738 分機301
五股地區: (02)22919553 分機211
八里地區: (02)2610-1899 分機116
淡水地區: (02)2622-6205 分機220
三芝地區: (02)2636-6259 分機222
新莊、泰山地區: (02)2992-1622 分機228
身心障礙服務專線: (02)2988-2776 分機412
Sanchong Post Office Address: No.17, Sec.1, New Taipei Blvd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 241040, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Telephone Number: (02)29882776
Fax Number: (02)29865054
e-Mail Address: Occupational Safety Section e-Mail Address: post244000@mail.post.gov.tw
Business Section e-Mail Address: scbus01@mail.post.gov.tw
Postal Affairs Section e-Mail Address: scope01@mail.post.gov.tw
Toll-Free Service: 0800-700-365
Door-to-Door Service: Sanchong area: (02)2989-3896
Linkou area : (02)2608-5028EXT210
Luzhou area: (02)2281-4738EXT301
Wuku area : (02)2291-9553EXT211
Bali area: (02)2610-1899EXT116
Tamsui area: (02)2622-6205EXT220
Sanzhi area: (02)2636-6259EXT222
Xinzhuang, Taishan area: (02)2992-1622 EXT228
Disabled Service: (02)2988-2776 EXT412